Patrick Ta Major Brow Lamination Gel Review

Patrick Ta Major Brow Lamination Gel Wand Up Close

This brow gel could be so good, but it’s mostly un-useable for me. 

I chose the Patrick Ta Major Lamination Gel as my Sephora birthday gift last year (2023).

I was super excited to grab this gift option because the Patrick Ta lip gloss (also included in the gift set) looked beautiful, and is raved about in the beauty community.


TL:DR (Too Long Didn’t Read) on the Patrick Ta Major Brow Lamination Gel:

  • The gel creates thin strings that attach to your eyebrows and eyelashes (ugh)
  • The gel has a strong hold, and feels harder than other brow gels
  • The gel creates a nice matte finish to the brows

Patrick Ta Major Brow Lamination Gel Product Review:

The Major Brow gel has a unique wand that looks like a mini brush.

Although I have thinner brows, this brush could work really well on thick brows.

But, here’s the thing…

I don’t know if the product I have is just a random manufacturing error, is older, or something else but the gel is stringy.

The stringy brow gel settles on top of my brows and gets into my eyelashes. It’s a mess!

Patrick Ta Major Brow Lamination Gel Stringy

Every time I use this product it’s the same sort of stringiness that I absolutely hate and it almost makes the product unusable.

The product itself is really good though!

It settles down to a soft matte finish, which I love.

It lasts all day too.

My eyebrows were still in place for 8+ hours, and would have lasted all night.

It also worked really well when I filled in my brows with an eyebrow pencil, and then placed the brow gel on top.

The gel did not move the product underneath at all.

Another but…my eyebrows did feel a little bit hard after the gel dried down.

My other brow gels don’t get this hard, and since the stringy-ness is an issue too, I cant use this gel.

Bummer, this brow gel would be perfect if it was a little less hard and wasn’t stringy!

Patrick Ta Major Brow Lamination Gel Review
Ignore the dented cap, I literally had to bite the top to open it. Ugh and lol.


Is the Patrick Ta Major Brow Lamination Gel worth it?

No, I really like this product, but a hard brow is something that I don’t think that a lot of beauties would want.

I’m not sure if the stringiness is typical of this brow gel but, that alone makes this product un-useable for me.

Patrick Ta Major Brow Lamination Gel product review rating: Ok


Nubelease Quick Review Rating System

*Disclaimer: My Quick Review rating system is more simplified than my full product reviews.  The goal is to write down my thoughts on every product I try.  Hopefully, this is helpful for you but it also helps me remember products as I am always trying new things. Head to for full length product reviews.

Bad – Didn’t do what it says, and was even worse on top of that.
Ok – Didn’t do what it says, but it’s decent enough to use up.
Good – Does what it says it’s going to do.
Great – Does what it says it’s going to do plus more great things on top of that.
Must Have – An excellent product that is/could be universally loved by anyone and everyone.